What we offer

Whatever IT service you need, Fox and Hound IT is on the case
IT Solutions for SMBs

With Fox and Hound IT, solutions for small- and medium-sized enterprises can be customized to fit your specific needs. Partner with us to strengthen your IT infrastructure, where you will enjoy personalized service, on-demand support, and full implementation.

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    Implementation: Let us design an IT plan for you.

    To manage your network optimally, it should be designed based on your specific needs–not an out-of-the-box generic one. Proper IT design will save you much more time in the future, allowing for a seamless performance. Do it right the first time so that your mission-critical systems have the best infrastructure.

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    Support Services: What kind of support does your IT infrastructure need?

    We have got a plan for whatever you require from proactive to reactive. You can call us whenever you have an issue, and we will be ready to help. We also offer managed support so that we are your on-demand help desk.

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    Retainer of Hours: Are your needs complex or on-going?

    If so, then we will work with you on a retainer basis. This means we will be there to help with anything that comes your way like needing to expand or scale based on the growth of your company. With Fox and Hound IT, you will always get the best advice and recommendations. You focus on your business; we have got IT handled.

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    Analytics: Do you need a full assessment of your IT infrastructure?

    Then Fox and Hound is on the case. We will develop a plan with a clear path to resolution and IT that just works.

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    Reseller: Are you looking for an upgrade?

    Whether you are looking for software or hardware, Fox and Hound IT will track down what you need and set it up for you. Our competitive re-sell rates and support through set up are all you need to make that long-needed upgrade.

Vendors we work with

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